Log-In Area


Enter your Login (Nickname):
Enter your Password: forgot?
By logging in I submit that I have read, understand, and agree to the following:
LIABILITY WAIVER: Soccer can be dangerous to your health. Your registration on this web site and your participation in club activities means that you, the soccer playing participant, take sole responsibility for injuries that may arrise from such activity. Specifically you agree that Mel Fros, Ben Kaap, Nick Naeger, Mark Hart, other club members, guest participants and the Urbana Park District are held harmless for injuries that may arrise from soccer activities hosted by the club.
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B l a n k:

New Member Registration:

Are you new to the web site? Fill out this form, submit it, and then come on in!

This section is under construction, please come back later after I un-break what I broke. :( Email me (webmaster@graybeardsoccer.com) if you need to sign up as a new member in the meantime.

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Login (Nickname):Email:
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B l a n k:
Enter a Password:Re-Enter that Password:
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(19 minus 11)


We'll be removing this functionality below soon. Please use the Log-In form at the top of this page to access your GrayBeard Soccer account.
News Space still available in upcoming games. Sign up today!
Upcoming Games Thu, Dec 5 6:30pm
Sun, Dec 8 5:00pm